The Design Museum of Barcelona (Catalan: “Museu del Disseny de Barcelona”), is a new center of Barcelona’s Institute of Culture, which works to promote better understanding and good use of the design world, acting as a museum and laboratory. It focuses on 4 branches or design disciplines: space design, product design, information design and fashion.
The Museum is the result of the merging of several previous existing museums, such as the Museu de les Arts Decoratives, the Museu Tèxtil i d’Indumentària and the Gabinet de les Arts Gràfiques collection. The opening of the new headquarters, located on Plaça de les Glòries, next to Torre Agbar, was set gradually during 2014.

Opening Times
Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 8 pm.
Closed: January 1, May 1, June 24 and December 25, and Mondays (except holidays)
Prices (2021):
General price: 6 €
Reduced price: 4 €
Temporary exhibitions
Check the prices of temporary exhibitions on the web
Ticket sales at the museum reception.
Free admission
Sunday afternoons, from 3 to 8 pm, and the first Sunday of each month.
Open days: February 12 (Saint Eulàlia’s Day) and September 24 (La Mercè).
Free with the pertinent accreditation:
- Minors under 16 yearsHolders of the free Targeta Rosa “Pink Card” for senior citizens
- Members of ICOM (International Council of Museums)
- Members of the Association of Museologists of Catalonia
- Professional tourist guides exercising their profession
- Formal education teachers accredited by the management team at their centre of education
- Formal education teachers accompanying groups of students
- Holders of the metropolitan pass for carers of people with disabilities
- Journalists, duly accredited
- Holders of the Barcelona Card